DentaSOAK® KILLS more than 99% of infection-causing bacteria
Disinfectant and cleanser for retainers, dentures, mouthguards, and appliances. Will not damage acrylic like other cleaners, and keeps denture relines soft. DentaSoak is clinically proven to kill more than 99% of oral microbes including resistant candida albicans. Infection and reinfection of soft tissue is dramatically reduced.
- Non-toxic, alcohol free, and persulfate free
- Pre-measured for easy weekly use
DentaSOAK comes in convenient, single-use packets-pre-measured for weekly use. Each 3-month kit includes an appliance/denture cup with a removable tray, 13 liquid concentrate packets, and 13 powder concentrate packets.
The appliance cup serves as both the mixing container and storage unit.
- With the appliance tray placed in the appliance cup, fill the appliance cup with cold tap water to the top edge of the tray.
- Add one liquid concentrate packet. Close the lid and shake for about 10 seconds.
- Add one powder concentrate packet. Close the lid and shake for about 15 seconds.
Your weekly supply is ready to use.
Disinfection and cleaning:
- Place the appliance or dentures in the tray (already submerged in the cup).
- Completely immerse the appliance or dentures in the DentaSOAK solution. DentaSOAK is completely effective after 15 minutes.
- A soft bristle brush may be used to gently remove debris or build-up.
The solution in the appliance cup can be reused for one week before replacing. Do not refrigerate or freeze.
Clinical testing has proven DentaSOAK to effectively reduce the number of recoverable (Baseline Control) oral flora from an appliance by a minimum of 99%. To achieve the aforementioned efficacy, DentaSOAK directions must be adhered to.
Case Study
Effective Cleaning of Orthodontic Appliances
Stephen Warunek, D.D.S., M.S.
An adult patient wore retainers full-time for five months. The schedule was then reduced to 18 hours of wear-time per day. At the same time, the patient began to soak the appliances in a popular denture cleanser for 12 hours at night, 2-3 times per week. Upon removal from the solution, the retainers were lightly brushed and rinsed with water.
After eight months of wear, the schedule was reduced to 12 hours of wear-time per day. It was noticed that the retainers had begun to discolor and display hard deposits. (Fig. 1 & 2)

The patient was advised to follow the same maintenance routine but to replace the denture cleanser with DentaSOAK (formerly Oral Safe). After 10 days of use, DentaSOAK eliminated the hard deposits and restored the retainer to its original color. (Fig. 3 & 4)

About Dr Warunek
- Dr. Warunek is an orthodontist in private practice as well as Clinical Assistant Professor and Course Director in the Department of Orthodontics at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
How is DentaSOAK different from other cleansers?
Most popular cleansers just remove surface debris. DentaSOAK not only cleans, it destroys more than 99% of infection-causing bacteria. It’s clinically proven to destroy candida albicans and other oral microbes. Denture cleansers can bleach the color right out of appliances and dentures. Some can even damage and weaken acrylic. DentaSOAK won’t discolor or harm retainers, appliances, or dentures.
What are candida albicans and how can I prevent oral candidiasis?
Candida albicans are a yeast fungus that most commonly causes oral candidiasis (thrush), an infection of the mouth and throat (oral cavity). Individuals at risk for oral candidiasis are denture and retainer wearers. Oral candidiasis usually causes white patches in the mouth and on the tongue. With proper use, DentaSOAK can help prevent oral candidiasis by destroying more than 99% of infection-causing bacteria, including candida albicans and other oral microbes.
Does DentaSOAK contain persulfates, a known allergen?
No, DentaSOAK does NOT contain persulfates. Persulfates, a known allergen, are used in most denture cleansers to bleach and clean the dentures. In a public health notification of February 2008, the FDA noted that it had received at least 73 reports of adverse events, including at least one death, related to the use of denture cleansers containing persulfates.
Why should I use DentaSOAK to clean my mouthguard?
A study conducted by Oklahoma State University found that mouthguards used regularly are highly contaminated with bacteria and microorganisms from staph to strep to pneumococci. The results of the study, published by General Dentistry, show that many athletes are exposing themselves to high levels of bacteria each time they use the mouthguard and left untreated, the bacteria multiplies and exposes the athlete to a serious infection risk. Used properly, DentaSOAK not only cleans, it destroys more than 99% of infection-causing bacteria. DentaSOAK will keep the mouthguard free from the bacteria and oral microbes that can cause serious infections.
Can my child use DentaSOAK to clean a retainer safely?
Yes, DentaSOAK is non-toxic and does not contain alcohol or persulfates. It’s easy to prepare and works in 15 minutes.(Go to Preparation) DentaSOAK is ideal to clean and disinfect retainers, mouthguards, and appliances.
Contact Us
DentaSOAK® is designed, developed and manufactured by Great Lakes Dental Technologies.
Great Lakes Dental Technologies
200 Cooper Avenue
Tonawanda, NY 14150
800.828.7626 (US & Canada)
716.871.1161 (Worldwide)